13 Nov 2015

Design Tutorial - Simple Elegant Design

     This elegant design looks intricate and detailed, but its actually quite easy to do.

Not confident with straight lines yet? 

     Don't worry. I have a method to help get your lines straight and clean in no time. The tutorial goes through each step in detail with instructions so you can thoroughly understand everything.

Level - Beginner/Intermediate

Crucial Elements - Dots, M-shaped petals & Straight Lines.

You'll need - Tissue paper & Henna Cone

    For more tutorials like these subscribe to my YouTube channel
Hope it helps.

1# Flower Series

Flowers can be pretty hard to master at times but they are crucial elements in any henna design. I remember that I used to struggle with them but when I looked online for help, it was very difficult to find a detailed explanation of how it all works.
     So I've decided to do a set of flower tutorials in a series. The first has already been uploaded on my YouTube channel. Subscribe for earlier updates and you can download my FREE 'Henna for Beginners' e-book if you want to know about more elements.

     The first part is about centers. Sometimes we are so focused on getting the right petal shape that we miss the foundation of the flower which is the center. Look at the image above and you will see two center variations on the flowers. A good center can make or break your flower designs. Below are detailed examples from the basic dot to more intricate designs. I have also kept the petal shapes simple so you can see how much of a difference the center makes. This tutorial is merely a guideline because there are many center variations. So feel free to experiment and explore with different shapes. Hope it helps.

Watch in HD!

6 Aug 2015

How To Fill and Close a Henna Cone

Long over due video tutorial that I made all the way in the beginning of July.
You can follow me on YouTube and Instagram for regular updates.

Let's Get to it then.

If you wondering what the piping bag, cup, rubber band and tights are needed for, it's to filter out any lumps from the henna paste. Feel free to skip this step if you are confident that your paste has no clumps in it. Although this step might not be necessary I highly recommend it if you want a smooth paste that creates nice stringy lines. 

Here  is the video tutorial that explains how I strain, fill and close a henna cone. Hope you find it helpful.

7 Jun 2015

How To Roll a Henna Cone with a Pin

You are probably wondering 'what difference does it makes to roll a henna cone with a pin?' Here is why:-

1.By using the pin as a guide for the size of the opening in the cone, you don't have to worry about weather the hole is too big or too small.

2. When rolling a cone shut and then using a scissors to cut out an opening, you run the risk of over/ under cutting. So rolling it this way ensures that you don't fall into that error.

3. Finally because the pin keeps the tip of the cone closed, there is literally no chance of any of your precious henna spilling out while you are filling the cone. 

Hope you understand the benefits of making a henna cone using this method. Here is the  video I made with the instructions on how do it. (Bare in mind this tutorial already assumes you know how to roll a henna cone. If you don't please watch refer to my previous video -  How to Roll a Henna Cone)

27 May 2015

How To Roll a Henna Cone

Here is a video tutorial from my Youtube channel demonstrating how I roll my cones. Every artist has their own way of doing this. However the method shown below works best for me.

Please feel free to ask questions or make any suggestions in the comment section below.
Thanks for watching.

27 Apr 2015

Women's Wednesday (8.March.2015)

A few pictures of the henna I did at the Women's Wednesday event in my University. 

(I apologize for the poor quality, my phone's camera is not that great).
All designs are original unless stated otherwise

Design inspired by Maple Mehndi